Lazzana Goverdhan

Lazzana Goverdhan is a grade 12 student at Uniglobe Secondary School and College, Kamaladi, Kathmandu

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Published On: November 16, 2019 05:00 PM NPT By: Lazzana Goverdhan

Taste of freedom

Taste of freedom

Circling on and on looking for one way out,

Ending up tangled in the labyrinth made,

Brimming with outnumbered artful commitment

Oh how convincing you were, impressive indeed!

Every tear she shed, watered your tree of dominance

Constantly grew huge and she, insignificant

On the out, finest affection; reality, however,

Being caged, why couldn’t she still escape your open ground?

Invisible shackles of pure infatuation

Pointy nails she walked on, of concern

Carrying you above all, she bled blindly;

Irreversible damage, she realized; you lost

‘She’ you knew lives no more, you wonder?

Soared from agony filled ashes

To taste of freedom,

From caged to capable.

slammed, freedom,

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